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Basics of Zoom : Using Zoom

Guide for basic use of Zoom

Home Screen

Once your instructor arrives you will automatically be moved to the meeting Home Screen. Depending on your meeting, this may show:

  • A blank screen (as shown below)
  • Your instructors's shared screen
  • Your instructors's webcam

The most important part of this screen is the black bar along the bottom, the Zoom Toolbar. The toolbar may disappear after you have not moved your mouse for a while but it will reappear when you move the cursor again.

Sharing Your Screen

To share your screen, first click the Share button. Next, you should see the dialog below.

Select which part of your screen you would like to share.

  • Your entire screen
  • A single window
  • A single application
  • A portion of your screen
    • Choose Advanced near the top of this dialog to select a particular portion


If you are unable to use Computer or Phone Audio, you can still talk to your librarian using the Zoom chat window.

The chat window is accessed by clicking the Chat icon on the Zoom Toolbar.

This will cause the chat window to pop up (on the right side of the image below) and you may converse with your librarian using your keyboard.